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vineri, 18 februarie 2011

Make A Group On Facebook Right Now

Make A Group On Facebook Right Now
To make a group on Facebook, make sure you are on the home page. Click the Home tab on the top of the screen if you are not. On the left of the screen under the thumbnail of your picture is a list. Under News Feed, Messages, Events, and Friends will be the option Create Group. Select this option.
A window will pop up. The first box in the window is labeled Group Name and begins with an icon. Clicking the icon reveals a drop-down menu. Select the icon you want. Then type in a name. You should use keywords and phrases in the name when you make a group on Facebook. When these phrases and words are entered in a search, it will show up in the results.
In the Members box type in the beginning of a friends name you want to invite. Facebook will search for friends as you type. A list of names from your friends list matching the letters you've entered will appear. Using this list you can quickly select friends you want to add as members of your group.
The last option in the window is for Privacy Settings. You can choose whether you want your privacy to be Open, Closed, or Secret. Open privacy allows members and content to be viewed by others. Closed privacy blocks other Facebook users from seeing the the information on your groups page. Secret makes both members and content private. After making your selection, click the Create button.
Another window will pop up. Select Okay. You will then go to the main page of your group. On the top right are two options: Edit Group and Edit Settings. Click on Edit Group. You will be redirected to a Basic Information page. This page allows you to assign an email and description to your group.
Under your groups name and a list of its members is a line called Email Address. Select the option to Set up Group Email and type an email address into the pop-up window. All members will get a copy of any message sent to this email address. Then click the Create Email option. You will be redirected to the Basic Information page.
On the Basic Information page is the Description box. In this box, type information that you want others to know about your group. Anyone will be able to see this information unless your privacy setting has been set to Secret. Then select the Back to Group button at the top right hand corner of the screen. This will take you back to the groups main page. On the top right of this page is an Edit Settings button. Click on this button.
A new window will appear. Following the label Notify me When is a drop-down menu where you can control alerts for group comments and posts. These notifications will be sent to your Facebook account email unless you select the Edit Your Notifications Settings link. Clicking this link allows you to change the email address.
The next option in the window allows you to select if the group will show up in home navigation or not, and how often. Finally, decide if you want to select the box titled Send me Group Chat Messages. If you do not select it you will not be sent messages. Then click the Save Settings box at the bottom of the pop-up window.
After these steps, you'll have successfully learned how to make a group on Facebook.

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